Here he is, all smiles, and why shouldn't he be? Ryan Mooneyham, your going to Vegas Baby Vegas! But who is Ryan Mooneyham? Here's a little interview.
SS: What city do you live in?
RM: I'm from Springfield Missouri.
SS: What Dart Association do you play for?
RM: I play under the flag OMDA or Ozark Mountain Dart Association.
SS: I heard you are the new Area 6 Manager, now that Matt Stoner is ADO Vice President, What does that entail?
RM: I am the new Area 6 manager for the ADO. Jason Snodgrass is 6-2 and Steve Webb is 6-5. I oversee now the entire area 6 for tournaments and regional playoffs
SS: When did you start playing darts?
RM: I started playing darts in Indianapolis IN at a friends house. I like to play. This friend is who my ex wife left me for. I became determined to be better at darts than him. Well I discovered tournament play and league play. My first tournament I ever entered was Blueberry Hill in St Louis MO and my first league was in Springfield MO via the OMDA. I started playing darts in 1998 with my first league trophy collected in 2002
SS: What kind of darts do you shoot with?
RM: What got you into playing darts? I shoot a 24 gram Harrows Retina in Steel Tip and a 22 gram Colonial in soft tip plus a 20 gram Accurate Dart called Evolutions
SS: Tell me about how you practice?
RM: Practice to me is the most important part of my game. I only practice for the game of 501. Cricket is what I shoot the most in soft. I put most of my time into outs and doubles. I struggle with check out percentages and I tend to score well. So I spend my time on the short game. I also practice to relax. To unwind. I can calm a rough day with a good hour on the dart board.Depending on the event I normally practice an hour a day. Close to competition I can practice up to 3 hours a day. I also enjoy shooting a match online with Jason Snodgrass via Skype and Dart Connect The game of darts is what I play. I don't care if it is soft or steel tip, I just want to play. I want to earn all players respect and I play hard every time win or lose. I enjoy playing.