Sunday, March 31, 2024

Eye Hand Coordination

Eye Hand Coordination

How far will practice take you? I bet adding eye-hand coordination exercises to practice will help. If you can learn to juggle, while learning to hit the Triple 20 with more consistency, I bet you will bring them both up. Can you teach an old dog new tricks? Hope so. How much of throwing darts is eye-hand condition vs. how much its an exercise of muscle memory?  
What's on the table? I like variety. I'm not a master of any of these, but I've been getting better. 

Paddle Ball: Is straight forward. I've gotten where I can paddle the ball go a couple minutes down. I'm working on hitting it up. The key is to pull the ball back into the paddle in a repeatable linear action. You don't have to worry about hitting the ball so much, because the ball will bounce off the paddle. It's pulling the ball back in that you really have to worry about. 

Juggling: Juggling is juggling. Sometimes I'm good and go for a minute, and sometimes I'm bad. An exercise of fine motor skills. Toss the ball to x, y, z coordinates, catch the ball at x, y, z coordinates. Its an exercise, using your hands to do something over and over with precision. 

Kendama: The ball in cup this is kind of exactly that, only with different size cups for different trick and moves. It's called a Kendama.  You can find them at Target and I suspect other places. For the side cups, I found you want to pull the ball up in  a linear motion, instead of swinging the ball up. Pull straight through the string. It takes a little while to master. If you pull it up at an angle, the ball will spin, and that make the ball harder to catch. 

Tekxyz Reflex Ball: It's like juggling, but not. It seems like goof, but not. It might be a little harder. You can look on their website to see videos of people proficient in the skill. The ball is on an elastic string. depending on the orientation of the string to the ball when you hit it, determines where it goes. So there is a bit of timing involved. It's challenging, plus when you miss, you don't have to pick up the ball. 

How do these relate? Once up pick up on the key attributes to one exercise, you pick up on how it relates to another. For example when you have to pull or push straight through. I mean you have to keep it in the X, Y plane. If you go a bit in the Z plane, it doesn't go straight anymore. If you play darts, you grip the dart (Front, Center, or Rear), then  push through the center of gravity of the dart in an X, Y, Plane. Moving the wrist from the shoulder, over the elbow. 

While watching a movie, take 5 to 10 minutes each. When you become better at one, you get better at the others, I can only assume it lends itself to darts.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Setting a framework Fixture So to Speak

 Setting a framework Fixture So to Speak

What's the plan? How do we get better at doing things? How do we learn? How do we learn to practice good darts, and not practice how to throw bad darts? 

That was one of my first lessons. When you start throwing bad, stop throwing. Why practice throwing bad darts? Good point. 

MORE ...Better ...Stronger ...Faster. 
How does a muscle get stronger? You tear it down, then it repairs and becomes stronger. It's a basic principle. I don't think darts is immune. How did you get better? You practiced, then went to sleep, then woke up and you were a little better. After a week, 7x that increment. but you can't practice too much. too much you tear yourself down, and can't recover. You tear yourself down. 

Strategies against over training. When I first started the old adage was, and I think still is; "Just practice 5 hours a day".  That worked for a while, but as you get older, it's harder to recover. As you get older, you get more responsibilities. Becoming obsessed with practice is a good way to put responsibilities off, and possibly become over trained. Another adage ...

Drink Before You Are Thirsty
Eat Before you Are Hungry
Rest When You Are Tired

Yeah it's not the Manly ..."Play through it, Tough It out". But lets get smart about it. I mean I'm known to be my own worst enemy.

Darts is a lot different from endurance events, or is it?  How many darts and hours do you play at league? How about tournaments. 10am to 2am, then repeat sometimes. That's a long time to stay on point.  Above is an example of how to peak for events. in the beginning it's High Volume/Low Intensity, then it changes to Low Volume/High intensity. 3 weeks of build up, followed by 1 week of recovery. The question is now, how do we adapt this into darts? Along with Physical exercise and eye hand coordination exercises. 

Monday, March 18, 2024

How about a new label called 55?

How about a new label called 55?

Oh the woes of the aging dart player. It's 2024 not 1999 anymore.  
What 25 years will do to a 30 year old.  

Now is the time to develop strategies against slowly eroding abilities.  How am I going to do that? Better health, work on eye/hand coordination, practice in a more structured ways, and diet. I just can't stay out playing darts till 2am and get up at 6am, work all day, then go out for darts again and sustain any kind of consistency. Well you get the idea. 

How does a person get better throwing darts? Some will tell you, "Practice 5 to 8 hours a day".  I think that will only get you so far. What if you made the body and mind better that throws the darts? The game of darts is a very simple one; Just repeat the same action. The target don't move, and they are always at the same distance. How do we learn? How does the brain differentiate between a bad dart and a good dart? How does a muscle work and recuperate? 

There are a lot of good dart players out there. I can't go back in time, and you don't get a handicap for being old. You have to make the best of what you got. I'm going to start documenting my trial and errors. 

Laserdart KC Darts ...A close Up

Laserdart KC Darts
I think everyone should have a set of these in their collection. I can't really think of another dart with these distinctive attributes. people might think they are too big, but I've hit many 180s, and 3 bulls (3x 50) a couple times with them. Peter Manley used to do it with his "Bulbous Onion" darts. The name of the game is confidence. besides, I believe a high majority are lost because of missed doubles, where throwing tight groups are not necessary. 

Compact 90% Tungsten Fixed Tip Barrel
Front-Weighted with Grooves, and Knurled Grooves

Steel Tip

Color: Silver
24g- length 48.00mm, diameter 7.67mm
26g- length 47.24mm, diameter 7.93mm

Soft Tip

Color: Silver and Heat-Fused “Black” Coating
16g- length 36.83mm, diameter 8.00mm
18g- length 38.00mm, diameter 8.74mm
20g- length 38.00mm, diameter 8.74mm

Sunday, March 3, 2024

22g Harrows, Swarm darts review

Both visually and technically superb, Swarm is another fantastic addition to our enviable 90% tungsten range. Made using the highest quality 90% tungsten. Tapered barrel with a cone nose profile to reduce bounce outs. A fusion of ringed and reverse cuts along the length of the barrel, resulting in a unique feel. Finished with an electric blue, metallic coating and re-cut to leave a beautiful two-tone finish.

18 gm – length 50mm, diameter 6.8mm
20 gm – length 50mm, diameter 6.9mm
22 gm – length 50mm, diameter 7.1mm
Swarm darts are supplied with Silver Supergrip Carbon shafts and new Prime flights. Match weighed to +/- 0.05g.

It's basically a straight barrel dart with a slightly tapered front. Just enough to feel the taper for a consistent grip, but small enough to not obscure the target. "Goldilocks!". After 4 weeks. They seem to get grippier with wear. I find them to be some of my favorite darts. Try them out at Horizon Dart Co. along with many others. It's a real blessing to have a place in Kansas City where you can try out all kinds of darts