Sunday, July 11, 2021

Laserdarts 23 Gram Mirage

 Laserdarts, 23 Gram Mirage

With Steel-Tip darts gaining popularity again, someone asked me what would be a good dart to transition over from soft-tip to steel-tip.

 I said, "How about the Laserdarts Mirage?" What's the "Mirage"? It's a straight barrel dart with backcut groove and knurling, with a BIG round groove at the front. The material missing at the front is compensated by a long subtle taper. Thus retaining center balance. But looks off balance creating the Mirage.

It's a good dart all around that stands by itself with many grip points. 

...and backcut grooves for good thrust and release.

What can I say about this darts? I can say everything, but I can't really say anything. 

What's this "Shopeism"? 
It means, they lend themselves to Every kind of grip, but not Any kind of grip. All grips welcomed, nothing specific.

OK One distinction is the the BIG groove at the front. 

If you are NOT one of those people, who puts a finger on the point, but on the side of the barrel, this is the dart for you. You can actually get a little big of thrust on it too. 

Here are The Links. Check'em out.