Sunday, April 28, 2024

Vegas Success 2024

 Vegas Success
NDA Nationals, Las Vegas, 2024

1st Place, Doubles Cricket (w/Stephanie Shope), Division 5

1st Place, Seniors Combo, Division 1

I think as you get older, you have to pick out and focus on the events you want to do well at. At 55 I find it hard to play to be 100% every weekend. I stopped all my physical training 2 weeks ago (bike rides and weights). Then 2 weekends before tournaments (Darts Madness 2 & 3). This next week I'm going to plan my peak for the next big event. Dropping all physical 2 weeks before and 2 weeks of tournaments seems to work. I'll keep that. Now a rest week, then a 3 week on, 1 week off progression. Come back and see what I come up with.

The Darts
This weekend I chose the ....

While most people seek 90% tungsten, this dart is 80% tungsten. Just because a dart has more tungsten content, doesn't make it more accurate, it just makes it smaller. Whatever you find confident and comfortable is the best. 

The say you can fit more darts in a triple with smaller diameter darts. then can't it be said for singles? How many games have I lost because my darts were too big around? Not Many. Phil Taylor used a "Chunky" dart.  

Just the old school, standard cheap nylon shafts and poly folding flights. I think they fly better than molded flights. A lot of the top players use folding flights.  With that said I experiment with a lot of different products, so don't be surprised if I review molded flights. 

Monday, April 15, 2024

Darts Madness 03 Joplin VFW

Darts Madness 03 Joplin, VFW 

The Round Robin:  With better than normal participation, we used every board in the venue. So there were no warmup boards available, So that counts for the lower than average averages. 

Knockout bracket: Went out first round. I played a lot last week. I got a little bit tired. The last 

I did better than average on Tuesday. My thought is was because of the tournament the Saturday before. 

Last Tuesdays result. I shot better than usual Tuesday. I suspect because of all the competitive darts last weekend.  It's always 2 steps forward, 3 steps back with darts. It's not a straight linear progression. In this way, forward progression can be seen as regression. 

If Pool Tables were a Pirate.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Setting Benchmarks

Setting Benchmarks

Dart Madness Tour 2024 - Event 02
Sat, 6 April 2024

Top 4 ...I'll take it. I didn't have expectations for the day. I was there to establish numbers and see what condition my condition is in. 

It was there for the taking, I just needed to take it. 
Leaves room for improvements, win or lose.

It was a day of, "Run What you Brung". I would always produce a few bad rounds in every leg. I did manage to do well on doubles. 

My take away is, when ever you start a training program, it's take 1 step back and take 2 forward. Don't expect immediate improvements. 

What does 64.46 mean?
It means I average between 21 to 24 darts. So the next logical step is between 18 and 21 dats. I must eliminate 3 dart per leg, or 1 turn. the Darts Madness finals are in November. It will be interesting to see what happens.