A Case For A New Case
This is a picture of my old case I got in 1997. The zipper ripped and the plastic compartments are breaking apart. Time for a new one. It had a good run.
What's in your case? What's the old saying? "When you need a hand grenade, any hand grenade will do". I usually say that when my partner hits a 180, 9 Mark, or White Horse.
The last time I bought a dart case, gas pumps looked like thisHow about a new Metroline case?
Back in the day I would make fun of such a big case. Anymore you have your phone, charger, ear buds, and whatever. Plus I'm getting forgetful in my advanced age.
There's the inside. It can carry 10 sets of darts, 4 tubes for shafts, and points, some round plastic thing (for salad dressing?), pockets for foldable flights, or business cards, debt cards, and a big pocket in back of that for papers (8-1/2" x 11")
There Ya Go!
The compartment walls can be removed. The foam is just kinda rubber cemented down. You can peel them off without damage to the foam if you are careful. Who needs 10 sets of darts? Maybe you are a couple or whatever and share a case. I'm not judging Ya.
About 12-1/4"
About 8-3/4"
You just place your darts in the foam.
Then another set in the lose foam piece on top. 2 sets, 1 compartment.
I just carry 4 sets mainly. 2 sets of steel tip, 2 sets of soft tip
Fully Loaded. Here I have my parts spread out, Like I said, you can put 2 sets of darts in 1 compartment. I need to reconfigure it to carry my phone and charger. There is no reason not to have your electronics fully charged, but league and tournaments can get long.