Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Some darts I had, that I wish I still had

Some darts I had, that I wish I still had.

Laserdarts, Blackwidow, 23 Gram
These are the original ...well OK Laserdarts used to be an English company called Fansteel, but was then bought and then became a USA/Kansas brand called Laserdarts. These are the original Blackwidows. They were originally made by bonding a 90% front and a 90% back, to a 100% tungsten billet. (If you look close you can see the lines when they were bonded). Yes, they were very short, and they only came smooth because you can not knurl/machine 100% tungsten without great expense ...and they were $170 back in the 80's/90's. 

Bottlesen, GT, 24 Gram
I think they still make them. It's a smooth dart, but it's easy to find your place. If you feel the dart is too fat, you're too far forward; if it feels too thin, you're too far back. I got them well used, after they have been used they get dented and develop a kind of texture, or what they say about a nice cast iron skillet "Seasoned". 

Harrows, PowerPoint, Jerry Umberger 24g
 As they say; once you start a dart collection, the tendency is to push it as far as it will go.  They stopped making them mid to late 90's. Another smooth dart, but also has that distinctive grip point in the middle. It's so called "Front loaded", but any weight that come from the front's larger diameter is countered the amount of material that is removed to accommodate the movable point.

Roger Carter signature dart 24 gram
These were not the production darts, these were all hand made ...demo darts so to speak I got from Roger himself back in the 90's

 Bottelsen, Tony Payne Signature darts, 26gram
As I said before,  once you start a dart collection, the tendency is to push it as far as it will go. These were the first real set of steel tip darts I bought. These were discontinued as Tony Payne, but continued under the name "Precision Grip". A lot of these barrels broke where it gets thin, so it's rare to find a set.