Midtown Thursday Night Finals.
The Finals came down to Colonial Club's, "Hoho & the Merry Elves vs. Chez Charlies infamous, "DirtBaggers".
Gary "Ho Ho" Holland,
Steve "Shopey"Shope.
Dave "Diamnond Dave" Whitney,
Danny "Book'm Dano" Bribiesca
Bert Lane
Bill "Billy Boy" Pittman
Jim "Dirt Bagger" Dietrich,
Tim "Sasquatch" Kessler,
Pete "Uncle Pete" Codrington,
Dick "The Hammer" CooperSmith,
Dave "Davey" Ryan
It was a good season, like they always are. With 8 teams (Teams are 4 or 5 people) in the league, I can say pretty confidently we all get along we pretty much recognize them as a proverbial Brother or Sisters. The league ranges in skill levels from beginners to seasoned tournament players who are always willing to help or answer questions.
I'd like to thank our sponsor and home bar. Colonial Club. Come for the Darts and Food, Come for the Food and Darts. It's all good. Very good quality; Pizza, Cheese Steaks, Italian Sausage Sandwiches, Chicken Wings, ....
Colonial Club
Shorty's Pizza
322 6th Street
Kansas City, Kansas 66101
(913) 291-0251
Special Thanks to "Moe" Mauzey for all he does. Without him there would be no steel-tip darts in Kansas City.
If you are interested in the Midtown league, or just a night out playing steel tip darts; Come on down to the Blarney Stone for a blind draw this Thursday (5-30-2019)
Blarney Stone
3801 Broadway
Kansas City, Missouri 64111
(816) 753-4949
...and if you go to Horizon Darts, please use my code and receive 15% off
Horizon Darts
2415 South 50th Street
Kansas City, Kansas 66106